Words In The Wind

This time we float along like an Autumn leaf on a breeze, pausing here and there before catching the wind and flying once more. Each stop is a unique view of life and the world before us. Come on in, and see if you can catch the words on the wind.

I decided to have all the new poems I had written since Rhymes Through Time edited.  QUIET! Please? was to be my next published book, but I could not find anyone who could make a cover that would connect to the first two. (To be honest, after seeing how easy it was to just randomly select poems instead of sorting them, I was not looking very hard.) Several Facebook friends who had been reading my poems as I wrote them kept asking me to publish another collection.  So, I made a poll and asked, "If I were to publish another book using randomly selected poems, what would you name it?"  Several people offered suggestions.  One, Jessica House, not only suggested a title, she actually created a cover for the book!  How could I possibly ignore such love and support?

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