Thursday, April 18, 2019

A Poetic Defense

 Commas Are People Too

Recently my friend and fellow author Erika Szabo wrote a blog post about the correct usage for commas in writing. Of course, I felt the need to come to the defense of this abused form of punctuation.  So I wrote this in response:


"Commas, commas everywhere
This really has to end
You even have them in the air"
"But are my friends!"

"Commas are not people
Now look me straight in the eye
Repeat: The more the merrier
To commas does not apply!"

Editors are no fun
They'll never understand
That commas are perfect
And friend to poet and man!

Much to my surprise, Erika wrote a second piece on the subject!  Oh my!  What to do!!  Well, I had no choice but come to defend my friends from this new assault.


Oh, maligned comma
So misunderstood
Despite that you're always
Trying to do good
Offering yourself
With no thought or care
Then an editor spies you
Questions why you are there
It is no wonder
You feel such despair

Oh, gentle comma
See how your hopes fly
A delicate apostrophe
Soaring up high
Against gravity's pull
You give it your all
'Til the proofreader's frowns
Put an end to it all
Joy dissolves as
To despair's depths you fall

Oh, distraught comma
Your uncertainty I feel
Semicolon is your blending
As you decide what is real
Unsure whether to pause
Or let it finally end
Then the editor shows up
With her eraser and red pen
Unfortunately all writers
To their will do bend

Oh, defenseless comma
Which never does harm
So few will acknowledge
Your plenteous charm
Be assured you're important
Not a punctuation waste
Though publishers view you
With scorn and distaste
Eradicating your presence
In death-defying haste

Oh, precious comma
Your kindness does show
Despite everything
We are friends, you know
Editors do their best
To remove you from our world
I promise that as an author
Your curls to unfurl
May be a thorn irritating editors
But that's how oysters make pearls

Hope you enjoyed my poems.  Please click on the links within the story above to find her and her very informative pieces.  Happy Writing!

Erika is also a wonderful publisher,